march WEEK 2: digital LESSON
You will practice:
Days of the Week: 00:00-5:47 Days of Week Song: 5:48-7:28 What Day Is It?: 7:29-16:51 Exercises: 16:52-22:58 |
March Week 2: EASY Review ACTIVITIES
Hola teachers!
Below are some engaging activities to help you review the digital lesson with your students. These review exercises are optional, so select the ones that suit you and your little geniuses best. But if you're short on time, don't fret! Simply showing your students the digital lesson will still make you the Spanish master!
Below are some engaging activities to help you review the digital lesson with your students. These review exercises are optional, so select the ones that suit you and your little geniuses best. But if you're short on time, don't fret! Simply showing your students the digital lesson will still make you the Spanish master!
1. Calendar time: 5 minutes everyday!
Supplies Needed: Print off March calendar and/or days of the week flashcards below
After tuning in to the digital lesson, you and your students will soon be Spanish day-of-the-week pronunciation champs! Woohoo! For an extra dose of fun, treat your students to the Bonus Video below in which Chicken "Pollo" (pronounced poh-yoh) shares his wisdom on the days of the week. Then you'll be all set to jazz up your daily calendar routine! Say the days of the week in English followed by Spanish! When you feel your students are ready, ask them what day is today "hoy", (pronounced oh-ee) tomorrow "mañana" (pronounced mah-nyah-nha)and what day was yesterday "ayer" (pronounced ah-yehd). Print off the march calendar and point to the days in Spanish as you say them together. Or you can print off the days of the week flashcards and use those to help you review.
Bonus Video 1:
Pollo Teaches Days of the week
2. days of the week hopscotch game: 15 minutes
Supplies Needed: 1. Days of the week flashcards. 2. Pot of Gold and Gold Coins or something similar
Gather your students and tune in to the video below for a crash course on rocking the Days of the Week Hopscotch Game! This clip spills the beans on some top-secret tips for acing the game. Pro tip: Better hold those tiny hands on their first hopscotch journey; otherwise, they might just zoom through it like speedsters! Turn it into a friendly competition to see who can hop on each flashcard at the same time that the class sings the day in Spanish. Let the hopping hilarity begin!
Bonus Video 2:
days of the week: hopscotch Game explained
Play the song: Days of the Week and let your student take turns playing the Hopscotch Games as taught in this video. Have fun!
3. Exercises: 10 minutes
Exercises are a highlight in my Spanish class! Why, you might wonder? Firstly, the audio file guides you through the whole activity effortlessly. Also, children thoroughly enjoy these Spanish exercises, especially when it turns into a lively competition to see who can freeze and strike the silliest or most peculiar pose when the word "Alto" (pronounced
All-toh) is announced! After exercising with the audio file, select a student to be the "Alto Caller." Have them practice saying "Alto" a few times in front of the class. Next, get the class started chanting and doing one of the exercises and the Alto Caller can call out "Alto" whenever they want their classmates to freeze and strike a funny pose! Everyone will be amazed at how much control one student has in Spanish just by calling out "Alto!" Be prepared – everyone will probably be eager to take a turn as the Alto Caller! Play the audio file below to carry out this easy review activity!
All-toh) is announced! After exercising with the audio file, select a student to be the "Alto Caller." Have them practice saying "Alto" a few times in front of the class. Next, get the class started chanting and doing one of the exercises and the Alto Caller can call out "Alto" whenever they want their classmates to freeze and strike a funny pose! Everyone will be amazed at how much control one student has in Spanish just by calling out "Alto!" Be prepared – everyone will probably be eager to take a turn as the Alto Caller! Play the audio file below to carry out this easy review activity!
Share Your Wins!
Every time we get your WINS AND SUCCESSES in our inbox, we can’t help but do a little happy dance — to "Don't Stop Believing" or "La Bamba" of course! Why? Because success doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Your wins are our wins, and they’re proof for others that when you do the work, you get results.
Whether your students are finally beginning to repeat or sing in Spanish along with the online videos, or say random words in Spanish throughout the day, or teachers are feeling more confident carrying out the follow-up activities, or parents are sharing that their child is saying words in Spanish at home — we want to hear your wins BIG and small!
Celebrating you always,
Theresa & Team HOLA
Every time we get your WINS AND SUCCESSES in our inbox, we can’t help but do a little happy dance — to "Don't Stop Believing" or "La Bamba" of course! Why? Because success doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Your wins are our wins, and they’re proof for others that when you do the work, you get results.
Whether your students are finally beginning to repeat or sing in Spanish along with the online videos, or say random words in Spanish throughout the day, or teachers are feeling more confident carrying out the follow-up activities, or parents are sharing that their child is saying words in Spanish at home — we want to hear your wins BIG and small!
Celebrating you always,
Theresa & Team HOLA