- Virtual Spanish Lessons for Adults: Beginning Spanish Course 1A
Virtual Spanish Lessons for Adults: Beginning Spanish Course 1A
Beginning Spanish Course 1A (5-Week Access)
Our Beginning Spanish 1A Course is ideal for beginners or for those who studied Spanish years ago and would like refresher. The course includes 5-Lessons. Each lesson is 30-45 minutes long. You will also have access to slideshows and downloads of the slides that include the vocabulary taught. There are homework assignments for Lessons 1-4 and Lesson 5 is a review.
You will have access to the lessons for 5 weeks during which time you can watch them as many times as you like. You can watch the lessons on your phone, laptop, desktop, iPad, tablet or TV. Our engaging lessons make Spanish easy and fun for you to learn!
We look forward to seeing you in the Beginning Spanish Course 1A and making Spanish rewarding and fun for you!