Digital Spanish academy
welcome & teacher training
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here! I've been looking forward to you working with you! Join me as I share what you can expect as you move through ¡HOLA's! Digital Spanish Academy for Childcare Centers. Don't know any Spanish? No worries. I've got you covered! You will go from not speaking any Spanish to feeling confident and excited about your ability to teach Spanish to your students with clarity and ease, right from the start! Don't wait another second...hit the play button below and listen in as I tell you about all the exciting things to come!
Note: Allow 1-2 weeks to prepare to launch Digital Spanish Academy for Toddler and Preschool Teachers at your Childcare Center. Center Directors and teachers should watch the training lessons below. You will make some important decisions to ensure your Spanish program is organized, communicated with families, and has a solid foundation. Then, you'll be ready to launch...
Teacher Training Lessons:
training lesson 1Teacher Training Lesson 1:
Let's Take a Tour of This Site |
training lesson 2How It's Possible for You to Teach
Spanish, If You Don't Know Spanish! |
training lesson 4How to Navigate Tech Like a Pro
training lesson 7How to Plan Your Spanish Lessons