Hello dream job!
Become your own boss as a Spanish teacher.
O'Neill Language Academy (OLA) will help you!
fun, flexible, rewarding
At O'Neill Language Academy, we have been teaching Spanish to children for 27 years. We are passionate about what we do and we have decided to share our formula for success and our top-notch curriclum with others throughout the United States. We are excited to share it with YOU!
Just as parents take their children to dance, karate, or piano classes, they will bring their children to you for Spanish, or you will bring your classes to them at childcares, preschools and homeschool groups.
It's Your Business, Your Way!
You keep everything you earn. You decide what to name your Spanish school, what to charge and when to teach. You determine how many classes you will teach and how much you will earn.
In our downloadable book entitled; Be Your Own Boss, Teach Spanish to Kids, Earn Good Money, OLA will provide you with invaluable information to get you started teaching your very own Spanish classes and earning a second paycheck each month!
The only requirements are that you have a working knowledge of Spanish (you can be a native or non-native speaker), you possess an entrepreneurial spirit, you love working with children, and you are driven.
See examples below of how much you can earn:
Teaching one 30 minute class of 8 students per week You can earn approximately $300 per month |
What Are the Start-Up Costs?
You keep everything you earn. However, to help you get started, you will want to a copy of OLA's "how to" book for the low cost of $19.95. Our "how to" book is entitled: Be Your Own Boss, Teach Spanish to Kids, Earn Good Money! Click on the book cover or the button to purchase.
You will also need an excellent Spanish curriculum that will empower you to shine and stand out as an wonderful Spanish teacher. We recommend using our Teach & Learn Spanish curriculum. It includes everything you need, minute-by-minute activities, beautiful full-color visuals and flashcards, songs, chants, games, role-plays, dance, exercise, culture, holidays, wacky sound effects that children love and so much more! Teach & Learn Spanish is receiving 5 Star reviews from parents, school directors, teachers and children!
The cost to purchase our Teach & Learn Spanish books and CDs is just $39.95 per month for the hard copy or $29.95 per month for the soft copy. There is one lesson book and CD for each month of the year, (twelve total). You will reuse the lesson books and CDs year after year. The monthly cost for the Teach & Learn Spanish curriculum can be paid for with the tuition of just one of your student's per month! This is an excellent deal!
Getting Started: Steps 1, 2, 3...
1. To get started you will want to order our "how to" book for just $19.95! It comes with all the information you need to launch your very own Spanish classes for children ages 2-8 in your city, town or neighborhood. The book is downloadable so you will receive it right after you place your order. You can soon begin marketing and teaching your very own Spanish classes and earning that second income!
2. You will also want to order the Teach & Learn Spanish curriculum. It includes everything you need to insure you are organized and that teaching Spanish is easy and FUN! Included with the curriculum are free, interactive parent newsletters! You can order one book and CD per month, all 12 at once or you can order them as a monthly subscription. Place your order today so you are ready to teach as soon as you schedule your first class!
Extra Support & Motivation!
On April 1, 2018 OLA is launching our Teach & Learn Spanish Pro Membership Club which will include access to our Teach & Learn Spanish training videos that accompany every activity in the current month's activity book. In addition, you will receive ongoing teaching tips, positive classroom management strategies, marketing ideas, advice to keep you motivated, and you be able to participate in webinars with question and answer sessions with other Spanish teachers using the Teach & Learn Spanish curriculum and more!
3. Join our Teach & Learn Spanish Pro Membership Club for just $24.95 per month.
3. Join our Teach & Learn Spanish Pro Membership Club for just $24.95 per month.